
赏深细味 夕昼共渡
Leap Years Little Hands of Asphalt
Bait - Little Hands of Asphalt

很多人说,在Sjur Lyseid柔和的声线里,有一种使人心思沉静的力量,再加上温暖的吉他和弦,在忙碌的一天结束,聆听这首歌往往能给疲惫的身心带来很好的抚慰。我看了网易云的歌词,有点偏意识流,换而言之,就是有些不知所云的意思,倒把这首很简单的歌弄得很朦胧,反而看不清楚了。所以这里我没有贴中文歌词。就简单的说晚安吧。


There’s disillusion on my breath tonight
That’s probably how I pulled you in
I know the slaying is inevitable
But I never know where to begin

The deep water swallowed us
And we talked until we got the bends
about love in the modern world
with the awkwardness of passing friends

Eventually I shrugged it off. Maybe that's how I feel?
But you don't seem offended by the fact that I have kept you here as bait for something real.

They’ve discovered the volume knob
I bet the neighbors are seeing red
But my friend she’s reading Carouac
So there’s no way we'll be going to bed

The effects are spreading fast
Hardly Care when you leave
Once I find a net to use
Better shoes, nerves of steel
New ways to feel
Soon reveal, you're bait for something real

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