
赏深细味 夕昼共渡
Bedroom Hero Liz Lawrence
I'd Rather - Liz Lawrence

       又是一个小众的独立歌手,你或许不知道Liz Lawrence,但她的另外一支单曲《When I Was Younger》曾经被选为美剧《吸血鬼日记》第四季的插曲。《I'd Rather》这首歌从很多方面都可以看出Liz Lawrence的创作想法:标新立异甚至有些诡异的封面,极具层次感的歌曲,不会像一般的歌曲一样,只是一个方向的扩大化然后重复,整首歌在节奏上也编排的十分紧凑,没有什么浅白的爱情观,也没有故作的无病呻吟。


oh my days are getting longer
the shadows at my face are getting taller
oh my nights are getting shorter
the trouble in my sleep getting hard
the trouble when i sleep being hard

i dream came for true
i don`t know what to do

when my days get out a better thousands ways
and  the queen with her jeans and she watching TV
she yells at the screen
i don`t know what you mean

and i know we were all confused
i swear that wasn`t me
that wasn`t the present my mother brought me ought to be

oh my days are getting longer
the shadows at my face are getting taller
oh my nights are getting shorter
the trouble when my sleep being hard
the trouble when i sleep being

mine mine is the faith
every mistake that you made
know you come and start again and your thing againest thoughts
and i know you i`m not yours

so open my door
cause my head is oh so sore
soul shouts for more
soul screams for more
and my head is sore
as my soul
soul shouts for more
soul screams for more
and my head is sore
as my soul
soul shouts for more
soul screams for more
my head is sore

oh my days are getting longer
the shadows at my face are getting taller
oh my nights are getting shorter
the trouble when my sleep being hard
the trouble in my sleep being hard

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