
赏深细味 夕昼共渡
Lady & Bird Lady & Bird
Suicide Is Painless - Lady & Bird

"Suicide Is Painless"1970年由英国乐队The Mash创作,是一首当时脍炙人口的民谣歌曲,作为电视剧《风流医生俏护士》(M*A*S*H)的主题曲作为单曲发行。

Suicide is Painless,叙述他人故事一般的冷静和娓娓道来.,温柔女声和恒久不变的合唱,慢性自杀于午夜,清晨,黄昏以及正午的阳光下。并不像Ann个人作品中的那样愉悦,也没有Johannsson惯常的Trip-hop桥段,简简单单的AC Guitar分解和弦,伴随的却是相对复杂的人声,这固然包括了Lady和bird的声音,其中Ann负责了3个声部,所有合成起来,加上歌词,犹如处于自杀的边缘并考虑中,压抑,模糊,同时代有疑虑的感觉。


Through early morning fog I see


Visions of the things to be


The pains that are withheld for me


I realize and I can see


That suicide is painless


It brings on many changes


And I can take or leave it if I please


The game of life is hard to play


I'm going to lose it anyway


The losing card I'll someday lay


So this is all I have to say


Suicide is painless


It brings on many changes


And I can take or leave it if I please


The sword of time will pierce our skins


It doesn't hurt when it begins


But as it works it's way on in


The pain grow stronger watch it grin


Suicide is painless


It brings on many changes


And I can take or leave it if I please


A brave man once requested me


To answer questions that are key


Is it to be or not to be


And I replied "Oh why ask me."

【我回答他说 “哦 为什么要问我”】

Suicide is painless


It brings on many changes


And I can take or leave it if I please


And you can do the same thing If you please


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