
赏深细味 夕昼共渡
Slow the Rain Ingrid Michaelson
A Bird's Song - Ingrid Michaelson


在 Ingrid Michaelson最近的专辑里,你几乎已经找不到《A Bird's Song》这样的歌曲,节奏感,华丽的配器开始大行其道,但这种很自然的过渡不会让人反感。这首歌里,有简单的木吉他,Ingrid Michaelson的声音干净而透彻,讲述着一个悲伤的小故事,这种悲伤不会单刀直入,而是云淡风轻的、慢慢潜伏进心里。


when i was pulling up song
you used to swing alone
i always seem to forget
how fledged of very strong
im sorry i cant still you
im sorry i cant stay
so i bandage on your needs
i watch you fly away

im sending you away tonight
i put you on a bird's strong wings
im saving you the best way i know how
i hope again one day to hear you sing

you know you're no so far away
get on the boat get on the train
and if you ever think you're drowning
i'll try to slow the rate
and two year old sorrow
drive me a leon write me a letter

i hope i found you doing better
beter than today better than everyday
im sending you away tonight
i put you on a bird's strong wings
im saving you the best way i know how
i hope again one day to hear you sing

im saving you the only way i know how
i hope again one day to hear you sing
i hope again one day to see you bring your smile back round

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